Q: Hello and thank you for this reporting tool.

In principle, it fulfills what I was looking for, except for four things that make it useless for me again.

- I can't schedule reports by email, only send them manually.

- Reports are only monthly? Why not weekly as well?

- The tool is not 100% whitelabel because credits are in the email. It would also be cool to be able to change the URL of the public report by CNAME.

- I can't customize or translate everything in the report - my customers are in Germany and Poland.

Do you think this could change in the future?

Best regards from Germany

NodiPLUSAug 6, 2023
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hello Alexander,

Thank you for your thoughtful feedback about Badger. We're grateful for your support and appreciate your honesty about areas where we can improve. Let me answer your questions:

Scheduled Reports: We hear you on the importance of automated email reports. While scheduled email reports are currently not available, I want to assure you that it's a feature we're actively discussing and considering for future updates. Your input is crucial in guiding our development efforts. feel free to check out our roadmap: https://badger.prodcamp.com/

Report Frequency: Badger actually offers a variety of reporting options, including weekly, monthly, and custom date ranges. This gives you the flexibility to align reports with your specific reporting needs. https://support.getbadger.io/article/50-can-i-filter-the-data-i-see-in-badger

Whitelabeling and Custom URL: Your feedback about whitelabeling and changing the URL via CNAME is well-received. While complete whitelabeling and CNAME options aren't available at the moment, we're continuously working to enhance our whitelabeling capabilities to offer you more customization options.

Customization and Translation: We understand the importance of customization and translation, especially for diverse clients. While you can customize reports to some extent, we acknowledge there's room for improvement. We're evaluating ways to provide more customization features and language options to cater to various regions.

Your insights are incredibly valuable to us. Your feedback drives our commitment to deliver a better experience. While I can't promise immediate changes, your suggestions are guiding our roadmap to ensure we're addressing your needs effectively.

If you have more feedback, questions, or ideas, please feel free to reach out. Thank you for being part of the Badger community!



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