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Verified purchaser

5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Feb 2021Deals bought: 203Posted: Sep 1, 2022

Full stack & 5 tacos for Baseline

Great product and great founder. I asked a lot of pre-purchase questions, and was pleasantly surprised by how quick the support was. They were also very open to suggestions, and were genuinely happy to get feedback. For me, this is a very good sign, as it shows that the company has a goal to become a major player in the online design space. I full stacked as I think they have the potential to rival the bigger companies like Canva in the future (who I also use and love), but I like how this product automatically makes assets with my branding (something Canva does not do). So worth the purchase even for that functionality. Overall, easy to use product and great team. Don't miss out on this one!

Founder Team


Sep 2, 2022

I'm glad to hear you liked the support and you believe in our future. Definitely keep the...
