Q: Hello, nice looking tool!
I have two questions:
1. Would you consider adding folders as a second level of hierarchy in a workspace? (Sorting multiple projects for diff. clients)
2. Will you offer more languages in the future? (German in my case)
Thank you!
May 14, 2024A: Thank you so much! Great to hear that you like BasicOps 🚀
1. Yes, we are looking into adding the ability to organize projects. You can upvote and add your comment here: https://feedback.basicops.com/feedback/57263/
2. We don’t have that on the roadmap yet. Would you mind adding it here: https://feedback.basicops.com/feedback/add
That way we can keep track of it and other users can upvote it.
Have a great weekend,
Founder and CEO, BasicOps
Verified purchaser
Being able to organize the respective projects by folders and color would be so clutch, I like the functionality of the BasicOps platform, but having to spend time seeking through the hundred or so projects which are scattered amongst multiple different clients is extremely poor design structure.
I've submitted this request weeks ago, please upvote or add more feedback to prioritize this issue! https://feedback.basicops.com/feedback/57263