October Report: Fame hit £59k MRR (doubled in 5 months) and bCast hit $2.

October Report: Fame hit £59k MRR (doubled in 5 months) and bCast hit $2.2k MRR (quadrupled in 5 months) in October.

| Deals Bought: 95 | Member Since:
    | Deals Bought: 95 | Member Since:

    Then they claim we lifetime dealers will send them broke. WTF??
    So many questions...
    AppSumo leadership team, where do you stand on this about face? Can we count on you supporting your members, fighting for a refund to members? How will you safe guard members against this happening on future deals? Where do you stand on this clear breach of implied contract? Or will it be left up to a members class action? Clearly we will all loose if it comes to this.