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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Mar 2011Deals bought: 414Posted: Aug 23, 2022

Like the software

I was using StockSpy to track my stocks on a Mac, but on an update the application crashed and I lost all my tracking. Beanvest runs online, so this is a perfect platform for tracking my portfolio. No more worries about crashes and software updates. I like how I will be able to see my portfolio against the TSX composite, or other benchmarks.

I bought it today and quickly set up my portfolio. I live in Canada and while it found the stocks; it didn't fill in the names on many, so I hope they can clear it up rather than just the ticker code for each stock. I would also like a delete button to remove stocks too (for mistakes). Picked GLXY.TO and there were two options, but one was wrong; the only way to fix it was to enter a sale order to cancel it out. So not a big problem.

Good deal, I'm happy with it.

Founder Team


Aug 23, 2022

Thanks for your review, I'm glad you like Beanvest!

I checked and there is a bug causing TSX stocks...
