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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Apr 2020Deals bought: 54Posted: Oct 8, 2022

Really Good

Impressed with the amount of data available, how easy it is to use, the available functionality and the frequent updates released by the developer.

The ability to customize the holdings data on the main page is excellent, as is its support for a large number of exchanges from different countries.

For the roadmap
1) Add to the price graph an indicator of when DRP's were paid against price (so we can see the impacts).
2) The ability to compare companies over time on the same graph (for the various metrics available (i.e. select 4 different banks and compare their price, eps, dividends, debt etc based on the metric selected)
3) Graph showing short selling vs price – I have found that when there are sudden increases in short selling its usually a good indicator that the share price is going to drop (an indicator of where the professionals / analysts are actually putting their money)
4) Need to be a be able to record Franked / Unfranked credit amounts and if the shares were obtained as part of a DRP (and any % discount of participation).
5) A report which shows which shares offer a Dividend Re-investment Plan.

Founder Team


Oct 11, 2022

Thanks for your review and great ideas!
I'm glad you like Beanvest and will keep your suggestions in...
