Better Sheets

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Can your tool assist me in solving the following two problems?

Can your tool assist me in solving the following two problems? I have this requirement regularly, but people say it's easy. However, I am not able to use VLOOKUP properly on Google Sheets. For example, I need to solve this VLOOKUP issue: I have one sheet with 10000 rows on Google Sheets. This sheet is for LinkedIn data scraping, and there is a column AZ with LinkedIn URLs in Column A. I have another sheet (Sheet2) with 5000 rows of data containing other information that exactly matches the LinkedIn URLs in Sheet1. Now, I need to add Sheet2 data after the AZ column in Sheet1. I need to match the 5000 rows in Sheet2 with the 10000 rows in Sheet1 and add Sheet2 data after the Sheet1 AZ column. I have to do this regularly. Can your tool help me solve this problem easily? I know this might be easy, but I am not able to figure it out properly. Also, Can I do email verification using your sheet? For example, some emails have photos that we can see directly on Google Sheets. Can we filter those emails? Sometimes, the formula =IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("img src=", A1)), "Contains Image", "No Image") is not working properly. Please help me with these two answers."

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    Note about VLOOKUP: You should probably use INDEX / MATCH instead of VLOOKUP because VLOOKUP wants your data to have the 1st column be unique indentifiers.
    You can access Emails from Gmail via Google Apps Script. I do share lots of ways to use Apps script but not this specific one. Members are more than welcome to ask me anything.