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Member since: Jul 2023Deals bought: 232
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Apr 7, 2024

A must buy deal

I have tried some Invoice and accounting apps on appsumo, and all did not match with my need.
But this apps billed is the best apps for invoice and accounting.

It come with mobile apps as well so we as
owner can monitor the money condition all tim anywhere.

can not wait for the feature

saya telah mencoba beberapa aplikasi invoice dan accounting di appsumo, dan semuanya tidak cocok dengan kebutuhan saya.

akhirnya saya menemukan aplikasi "Billed" ini, dia mengkombinasikan fitur invoicing dan accounting dalam satu aplikasi, sungguh brilian. sehingga kita bisa langsung mengetahui kondisi keuangan bisnis kita.

"Billed" juga punya aplikasi mobile, sungguh pendobrak yang jarang ada di kompetitor lain. jadi kita bisa memonitor kondisi keuangan bisnis kita darimanapun.

pokoknya harus beli, sungguh deal yang menarik.

saya tidak sabar menunggu fitur chart of account nya, semoga segera rilis dalam waktu dekat, agar bisa menghasilkan laporan laba rugi, neraca, dan cashflow langsung dari aplikasi ini.

I have tried several invoicing and accounting applications on Appsumo, and all of them do not suit my needs.

Finally I found this app "Billed", it combines invoicing and accounting features in one app, it's brilliant. so that we can immediately find out the financial condition of our business.

"Billed" also has a mobile application, a real breakthrough that is rarely found in other competitors. so we can monitor the financial condition of our business from anywhere.

This is a must buy deal.

Can't wait for the chart of accounts feature, hopefully it will be released in the near future, so we can create profit and loss reports, balance sheets and cash flow report directly from "Billed".
