Q: Total Ingested Tokens
Hi - I was about to get the largest tier, and then read about the total ingested tokens limits.
Am I reading this correctly…’there is no way to add additional ingested tokens to my account and that it is not possible to use my own keys to ingest more code on top of the provided tokens’?
Please tell me that I misunderstood and that I can either use my own keys or buy more from you in order to ingest more code on top of the provided tokens!
Otherwise this offer would seem to be of very little value.
Nov 18, 2024A: Hello, currently the total tokens ingested is the amount of data that is actively synced with Bind AI via integrations. The amount of tokens available via tier 3 should be sufficient to sync 500K lines of code.
Please Note that this is different from compute points which are required for making queries to AI. When you add your API keys, you will get unlimited access for the keys you add.
Please see more details here: https://bind-ai.gitbook.io/docs/basics/total-ingestion-tokens-for-integration-syncs