promissing, but still some improvements needed for daily use
This is a very good deal and I also like the intuitiv & simple Dashboard.
But I miss one essential and time-saving thing, for daily use.
So far so good, but I miss some essential and very time-saving settings.
It should be possible to specify the basic settings for the "Send Files" window. Of course this settings would be for each user the most use settings, so that we save lots of time on a regular usage.
This means it should be possible for each user to set:
a) which type of sending-files should be automatically activated: "Workspace", "Emails" or "Link", whenever I want to sent files.
b) Data retention should be set by the user to keep automatically to a specified amount of days, f.e. 10 days, instead jumping back after each usage to 7 days. These function would save a LOT of nerves and a LOT of time.
c) Also a standard message text should be possible to be specified as standard. F.e. "Dear sirs, here I send you the requested documents". I could use this on every filesharing. But now I have to write or retype it again and again every time I send a file.
This is very time consuming if you use this service often.
So if the company changes this and let each user choose their basic settings for sending files, this would safe lots of nerves and lots of lifetime for each user that they can use for other things.
So please DO this!
Another thing I would like is to be able to use an avatar.... a png/jpg as logo for each user.
Ok, I hope the company reads this and takes it seriously, because this little things would be a great improvement!
Could you make this possible please?