Q: Dear, I bought a LT deal on AppSumo.

I chose a tier where it was possible to use my own OpenAI key. Now I see this feature is gone. That sounds strange to me.

Currently, my account includes 5000 responses. If I exceed those, what are the prices for more responses? And if the costs are higher than OpenAI's, then what is going on?

I love the bot platform and it's evolving into a great service. On the other hand, it feels really odd to be an 'early adopter' who bought a product, and now the product is being changed in a negative way. Whatever the reason is; this decision impacts all tier 2+ AppSumo buyers. A lot of them, myself included, bought tier 2 because of the BYOK option. Again, it really feels strange because now I don't know if Bot9 is a trustworthy company. Can I use the bots for different websites or is there a chance some sudden changes will be made again which will affect everything?

My tier 2 includes 5000 responses. Once I exceed those, what is the price per additional response?

With kind regards

AhssPLUSJun 23, 2024
Founder Team


Jun 23, 2024

A: I understand your concerns and I appreciate your feedback. Regarding the Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) feature, it's no longer available as we use several other Language Learning Models (LLMs) along with OpenAI to answer the questions.

As for the pricing for additional responses, once you exceed the 5000 responses included in your plan, you will have to pay for the additional responses. The price per additional response depends on your base plan. For more detailed information, I would recommend reaching out to our support team at helpme@bot9.ai.

Regarding your question about using the bots for different websites, yes, you can embed a chatbot on multiple sites, enabling visitors on each site to interact with it seamlessly. We are committed to providing a reliable and consistent service to our customers.

I hope this information helps. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

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Posted: Jun 28, 2024

I've send you an email twice already but so far, no respons. This whole this starts to feel kinda dodgy.