Lifetime Access to Botletter Pro Plan

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Q: To the Odeum creators...

First, nice product. Could be a game changer, given certain factors.
Julian_Wolf and a couple others did a good job in pointing out the difficulties of making this work financially. I don't know how married you are to the current model, but it will be tough to make a buck the way it is.

1. The 10 hours of video limit and $4 per hour, per month, doesn't work. A channel would have to continually add content and the storage fees would quickly add up to hundreds per month. Better to give 10 hours per code bought, to use any way we wish — all on one channel for example. Keeping it the way it is provides an obvious revenue enhancer for you, with no value for us.

2. The subscriber fee. While only $1, that will represent a large portion of what we charge customers. Five or ten years ago, it was possible to get $100 a month for some continuity programs. Unless your program is high niche content and you're riding a big reputation — or have huge JV partners — you're not going to get that. Most programs are in the $10-15 category. That dollar represents 5-8% of revenue. When you add the mounting storage fees on top of that, it could easily be 20-30%, or more.

Then, add the costs of developing content and marketing, and this just doesn't work.

Yes, having the apps without a big upfront cost is nice, very nice, but I don't see any profit here.

1. My recommendation is to rewrite the deal, with the reality of this marketplace in mind. Most people here will 1) Never use it, and 2) If they do, it will only be one channel. You can make a provision for multiple channels, but users of that will be few.

2. Maybe price the deal a bit higher for one code, one channel, and 50 GB storage. I know I can build a channel on 50GB. Two codes, 100 GB, etc.

3. Use the "bolt-on" approach that several other creators have implemented here, adding storage packs for people who need more later. These can be one-time fees or monthly. Again, most people will never use them, but your true users and advocates will.

4. Reduce the subscriber fee from $1 per each month, to a percentage. Hopin was (I think) 7% at the top. Most are that or less.

If you want users, I think this is the road to take. Sharpen your pencils and figure a way for us to have a chance to make money.

Best wishes with this.

Clarity_Conviction_CommitmentPLUSOct 26, 2020
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