Q: Quick question before purchase

Hi, I noticed your platform is quite new. Do you have any other established businesses? Could you share a link if you do? I've seen many lifetime deals closing recently.

ErinPLUSDec 12, 2024
Founder Team


Dec 14, 2024

A: Hi there!
I completely understand your concern about lifetime deals. Let me reassure you that we are committed to long-term sustainability and growth. We actually have a proven track record with another product - Synced.so, which we launched over a year ago. Our Synced.so LTD customers can attest to our dedication, as we've been actively maintaining and improving the product while providing consistent support.

As for Buildfast, we have no plans to close down anytime soon. We're financially stable and have a clear roadmap for future development. The lifetime deal is simply a strategy to build our initial user base and gather valuable feedback, not a last resort measure.
Our goal is to build lasting products that genuinely help creators and businesses. We're here for the long haul and are excited to have you join our community of users.

Feel free to ask if you have any other questions! I'm happy to provide more details about our business or products.

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