Business Hangouts

Product details

Length of meetings allowed on lowest level plan?

Length of meetings allowed on lowest level plan? I do a lot of co-working - working online together with others, sometimes in 5 hour stretches. Did I read that your impromptu meetings are limited to 10 people, or am I wrong there? While my sessions are often under 10 people, they sometimes reach 15-16?and is there a time limit? Does your app work on Andriod and Apple tablets? Can people Join from their android or Apple phone? I would love to get one of my clients to buy this, but she is heavily invested in Microsoft products. I know you don't NEED google workspace, but how well does you app integrate with the MS 365 etc. Personally, I'm a Google fan girl, so for me you're good. Thanks a lot

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    Great questions! We technically don’t have a meeting time limit but we do have a fair use agreement since our cost infrastructure is higher than other SaaS solutions since video streaming is an ongoing costs for us.

    Yes our meeting rooms have a limit of 10 people. Business Hangouts is mobile friendly and works on any browser so it will work on tablets.

    We appreciate your support!