Buttonizer - Plus exclusive

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Q: Hi!

This looks interesting. One thing I did want to ask is how does this affect my page speed? I had an older app I loved and was simple to use but it slowed my pages down like CRAZY. I can accept a small speed reduction may take place but wanted to ask this before purchasing! Thanks!

mkmcproductsOct 12, 2023
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hey there!

Thanks for your question! We try to make Buttonizer as fast as possible and minimize the page speed. We actually use a worldwide Content Delivery Network (CDN) that should always work fast worldwide :)

I recommend to try out Buttonizer free first and experience if it affects your website loading speed (we're sure it shouldn't). Let us know how it went!

If you have any further questions, make sure to let us know :)


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