Buzzy - No Code App Builder for Figma

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Member since: Nov 2022Deals bought: 1
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5 stars
Posted: Dec 14, 2022

Wish We Had Adopted Buzzy Sooner

We changed tech horses right in the middle of the race to build an application to get to market as quickly as possible. In the normal course of events not a great plan...

However, using Buzzy has allowed us to recover at least two months of lost time, and to get to market under our original cost budget despite that lost time. It also gives us mobile responsive apps as well as web.
We are very grateful to Buzzy for their oversight, support, responsiveness and professionalism. I don't care whether you call this "no-code" or "low code".
To us it is effective & hi-quality value-for-money code.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thanks Brendan
