Q: Can agencies use this just for resume building and AI resume optimizations?
If we buy, is it possible to build and optimize thousands of resumes using your product?
Dec 4, 2024A: Hey there,
Are you running an advisory organization? If so, Canyon provides an advisory feature which you may be interesting in
Please expand on "advisory feature"
We equip career advisors with to manage and support their clients land their dream job
You can sign up for an account via: https://f3ximpv2jr1.typeform.com/to/BVW0PkNi?typeform-source=www.usecanyon.com
Tell me more about it. from the point of agency/advisory, consultant perspective
We equip career advisors with to manage and support their clients land their dream job
You can sign up for an account via: https://f3ximpv2jr1.typeform.com/to/BVW0PkNi?typeform-source=www.usecanyon.com