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Member since: Feb 2020Deals bought: 1119
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Aug 16, 2024

Really good and hopefully gets even better

This is a really great tool for analysing a spreadsheet and drawing insights, even for someone who is not proficient with sheets. I even tried it with a sheet that didn't have structured quantitative data and it provided me with some amazing multiple insights into the qualitative data along with various charts and a wordcloud. Very impressive.

As someone who got most of the spreadsheet extensions prior to this that integrated with G-sheets to generate formulas, this is definitely the true evolution of Gen-AI in this space. If you know the context of the spreadsheet you are uploading, then Chartpixel will turn you into an insightful analyst.

I did some digging around prior to buying and found that they are featured in a Coursera IBM course. As someone who uses Coursera extensively, this inspires confidence in me. If I were you, ChartPixel, i would add this in your intro section of the app :)

If you are using a non-chrome browser like Edge, it may not display correctly. Switched to Brave and it worked flawlessly for me.

Some other suggestions for improvement:
- There is considerable room for UI/UX improvement. For example, in the output page, about 40% of the screen on the right remains unused.
- The insights section could be bulleted to separate insights from one another.
- Whilst exporting as png, would it be possible to add the insight beneath the image? When I export, only the graph comes through. Feels like I'm missing something.
- While currently sharing as a link, the recipient gets pretty much all the options (except edit). Can this be trimmed down to just 'comment' on a future iteration?

All said and done, I'm really enjoying ChartPixel and I know it is going to be a huge time saver and value addition to my work. Thank you and all the best!

Founder Team


Aug 16, 2024

Thank you for taking your time to write this lovely review.
We are planning to add the IBM Coursera on our landing page, along with many other university and company logos :)
The improvement suggestions are excellent, including the comment feature when sharing.
Regarding the chart download - if you export it to PowerPoint you also get the insights along the charts too. But in any case good point to add that in future to the chart download as well.
We hope you continue to enjoy your analysis journey with ChartPixel.
