ChatNode AI

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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Dec 2022Deals bought: 35Posted: Oct 21, 2023

My 1st AppSumo review - NOT my 1st first Chatbot purchase

I am not great usually at leaving reviews and this is the first I will be giving on AppSumo (hopefully not the last).

The simple reason I want to leave a review is that I tried multiple tools out there (on and off AppSumo) to create personnalised chatbots and I only got disapointed.
BUT NOT THIS TIME, and I want to let you know.

My usecases are :
1- Interact with my books
2- Interact with my research
3- Allow my customers to interact with an AI assistant

I just want to say, ChatNode does what it says : straight - to - the - point.
What I mean by that is there is no latency or wait for your chatbot to make mistakes to correct it and train it again and again, NO FUSS.
You choose your knowledge base --> You click "Train" and voilà, it's ready, it's working.

I trained a chatbot with 4 complete books (PDFs converted to TXT) and it takes approx. 500K tokens out of the 8M that I can have on the 5 codes plan I subscribed to (it's 8M PER chatbot)

What I like :
- It's fast and easy to setup
- The UI is clean and the Chatbots are quite customizable.
- The embedding on a website ? Very simple as the whole thing.
- I also like the fact that I can use the service without OpenAI key but also get to choose if I want to add mine (if you add your OpenAI key, their system can prioritise to use your monthly messages before billing your key)

As improvements I would suggest :
- Top priority : Fixing the Chatbots making up stuff like URLs (on a side note this isn't a ChatNode only thing, other Chatbot services have this issue)
- Bulk upload of files, instead of having to select and upload files one by one
- Being able to resume back a conversation where it has been left (I didn't see the possibility to resume a conversation from the history)
- Allow bot training so that it can send the answer we want to any existing specific question

Also I saw some people complaining about the 80 chatbots limit in this LTD. For me it's very positive that they don't give everything away as LTD, especially agencies kind of things. As an agency you are generating enough money to pay a monthly fee on top. I wouldn't expect an unlimited everything for life software to be sustainable for years.

Good job ChatNode team, you earned my 5 tacos.

Founder Team


Oct 22, 2023

Thanks a lot for this long and detailed reviews.

I've noted the bugs and feature suggestion you...
