ChatPlayground AI

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Q: How are multiple context lengths supported simultaneously?

This looks like a cool idea that helps the power of AI into real-life workflows pretty seamlessly.

I'm interested and understanding how chat playground manages to support the full context window of each model, especially in scenarios where it's trying to split the same conversation up between six different models with different context windows.

1. What is the exact context length supported for each model when used in a single model feature?
2. What is the exact context length supported for each model when used in a multi-model feature
3. What features utilized multiple models?


9cf04d78f9ac4442bccba483f6cf47e5Sep 17, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

A: Hey there! 👋

Great questions about context lengths - you're really diving into the technical details! I love that you're interested in how we handle different models.

1. In single model chats, we support the full context length for each model - so you get the maximum capability.

2. For multi-model features, we've optimized to maintain as much context as possible while balancing performance. The exact length can vary, but we aim to preserve key context.

3. Our Mixture AI and model comparison features use multiple models simultaneously.

We're constantly working on improving how we handle context across models. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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