ChatPlayground AI

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Member since: Jul 2012Deals bought: 165
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Sep 15, 2024

It's REALLY Good!!!

I've been using ChatPlayground for a little over a month now and it has been a pure delight. This definitely is the solution to a question that I've been asking quite a while when using AI. And that question is, which model is the best?

Now I don't have to worry about me not using the bese AI for the use case because I can with just one prompt, compare the answers to all the other AI's out there. Plus, there's also a feature called Mixture AI which takes all of the AI answers and creates one best answer from all of them. Pretty EPIC, right?

Founder Team


Sep 16, 2024

Hey there! 🎉

Wow, your review just made my day! 😄 I'm stoked that you're loving ChatPlayground and finding it super useful. It's awesome to hear that we've solved that nagging question about which AI model is the best.

I'm totally pumped that you're digging the comparison feature - it's like having all the AI brains at your fingertips, right? And Mixture AI? Man, I'm so glad you're loving it! We put a ton of work into that feature, so it's amazing to hear it's hitting the spot.

Thanks a million for this epic review! You rock, and we'll keep working hard to make ChatPlayground even more awesome for you.

Keep being awesome! 🚀
