ChatPlayground AI

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5 stars
Posted: Sep 17, 2024

Why settle for a Ferrari when you can also drive a Lambo

I think I can finally replace TypingMind/ChatGPT with ChatPlayground for emails. Here’s why:

When I request AI to write or respond to an email, I receive real-time responses from both ChatGPT and Claude in my dual window setup. This allows me to pick the best parts from each output without repeatedly hitting "Re-Generate" and getting similar results from the same AI engine. This is their USP and I hope they really put focus on that moving forward.

I noticed a review mentioning concerns about security features (e.g. Magic Login). While this isn’t a major issue—since big companies like Notion and Medium use similar methods—it would be ideal to have a session management console. However, having the option to log in with email and password would be most ideal.

My only complaint right now is the web app does not permit online Web access/searches. When enabling it, it returns "In order to use the full potential of ChatPlayground, you need to download our browser extension." Hopefully this is on the roadmap.

Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

Hey there! 🚗💨

Wow, thanks for that awesome Ferrari vs Lambo comparison! That's some high-speed praise right there.

Super stoked to hear ChatPlayground is becoming your go-to for emails. That dual window setup is our secret sauce, and we're definitely gonna keep fine-tuning it. It's like having two brilliant minds at your fingertips!

Totally get your point about the login situation. We're working on spicing up our security game, so stay tuned for some cool updates there.

As for the web search thing - yeah, that's a bit of a speed bump right now. But don't worry, we've got our tech wizards on the case. It's definitely on our roadmap, so hang tight!

Thanks a million for your awesome feedback. You rock! 🤘😎
