Cheerio AI

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Q: Re Whatsapp message pricing how much is it to send single WhatsApp message to UK number?

Volume will be small to begin eg maybe only 200-500 messages in first month, 1,000 in month 2, growing month by month.

Also same question for cost of sending single sms.

And what are the benefits of using eg whatsapp vs sms?

How can we calculate the additional costs for using the platform?

Thank you

csterPLUSJul 31, 2024
Founder Team


Jul 31, 2024

A: Hello, for sending 200 to 500 messages on whatsapp to people in UK you'd approximately pay 15 to 45 USD, approx half of that for SMS

Below is the pricing sheet.

Whatsapp is a brilliant 2 way comm route that helps you easily automate processes to guide users from TOPF to bottomline, sms is a lil more restrictive but in certain geographies works better than whatsapp.

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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Jul 31, 2024

Thanks for the quick reply and info re pricing and differences with sms. I'm new to Whatsapp as a business (I use it a lot personally) and didn't realise it was that expensive eg $0.09 per message to UK user could add up to become a lot very quickly!

Posted: Aug 1, 2024

These are not a single message but 24 hours conversations that can be 2 way. Also if you use utility category of Messages the price may become upto 1/3rd

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Aug 1, 2024

Ah OK, I need to read up more to understand how the costs and categories work. Thanks