Chugzi Unlimited Paraphrasing Tool & Article Spinner

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Q: are originality checkers able to detect AI content

davebotleyJun 12, 2023
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi, and thank you for your question. A new version of Chugzi will be going live later this week that helps with avoiding AI detection. With the version that is live at the moment, it can be more hit or miss compared to the version coming. Thank you.

Best Regards,

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Posted: Jun 15, 2023

Is new version live now and may we try it

Posted: Jun 15, 2023

The new version is not live yet. I will post here for you in the next few days once live. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Posted: Jun 19, 2023

The update is live. Keyword preservation is now much more robust, as is paraphrasing into output that is less prone to being detected as AI-derived content. Additional AI-evasion tweaking, modifications, and features will be implemented over the next few weeks, so please pass any findings over to me that you feel may be helpful through the proper channel in the website Chat Support at Thank you.

Best Regards,

Posted: Jun 19, 2023

later this week has gone
now it is next week !

Posted: Jun 19, 2023

The update is live. Keyword preservation is now much more robust, as is paraphrasing into output that is less prone to being detected as AI-derived content. Additional AI-evasion tweaking, modifications, and features will be implemented over the next few weeks, so please pass any findings over to me that you feel may be helpful through the proper channel in the website Chat Support at Thank you.

Best Regards,

Posted: Jul 14, 2023

I've checked now and Originality detects the "after" text as AI

Posted: Jul 15, 2023

Thank you for the feedback. I have not checked the output against Originality, but please check content from high-ranking keywords of your competitors, and see what their scores are in Originality. Ensure you are inputting a full article, as AI detectors usually require more than a few paragraphs for them to work properly. If the AI detector is flagging your competitor's content as being written by AI, yet they are still ranking on the first page of search engines, I recommend looking for another AI detection software that aligns closer with what is actually being ranked. Furthermore, another big update is coming to Chugzi and the output will be much improved, along with a more thorough AI detection and correction algorithm. But in the meantime, I recommend you do a competitive analysis with the AI detector, as mentioned above, to ensure you're headed down the right track and not blindly trusting any AI detection software. If you find that your AI detection software does seem to correlate well with your competitor's content and scores, then there are some tricks you can do right now with Chugzi that can help.

1.) Try bumping up your Difference and Unique filter as close to 100% as possible.
2.) Add commonly used words such as (and, it, the, etc...) to your Preserved Words list.
3.) Turn on all of the "Targeted Parts of Speech" under the Paraphrase dropdown, except for "Foreign word", "Proper noun, plural", "Proper noun, singular", and "Named entities"

Hopefully, these tips will help you in the meantime. Thank you.

Best Regards,