Q: This questions has been asked a lot already so apologies for asking it again.

I just want to make sure it is the product I want and need. Awario was released last year and I missed the deal which is totally gutting.

Will CivicFeed find and bring to my attention anyone that is talking about a particular subject. Can I then engage with them person quickly to basically showcase who I am and potentially get business leads. Ultimately I want the tool to be able to find the buzz words and then be able to respond directly to that person. Can CivicFeed do this.

Has Facebook integration been added and the ability to search Facebook groups. This is massive for me. Thanks

davidlower8Oct 8, 2019
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi David,

Thanks for your question! You would be able to setup alerts to monitor for various keywords. When a user mentions one on social media, we link you directly to that post so you can reply.

We don't currently support monitoring Facebook, but it is a feature on our roadmap.

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Posted: Oct 8, 2019

Hi thanks for the response. It is a shame about Facebook, a deal breaker for me unfortunately. However if it isn’t too far away from being realised I may be tempted to buy. Do you have a link to your current roadmap. That would be great. Thanks.