Q: Search features
Why are the search features being based on # only instead of descriptions? The AI's suggestions is so rigid and useless that i cant find or descript what i want at all, the filters are unless too if i couldn't even descript what i want, I've lost hours for this and got nothing. Are you going to do something about this or?
And why are the results not being saved somewhere else but i have to click on each profile to save the list? I had to search again and lost 2, 3 times of credits just because i want to revisit the old result
The initial results look very bored and lack of the necessary basic info (i'm not talking about the full analytic report)
I got nothing when i look at the loading screen of the UGC marketplace. And i cant even look at the roadmap? Seriously?
Jan 3, 2025A: Hi,
Thank you for sharing your feedback, I truly appreciate your honesty. I’m sorry to hear that your experience hasn’t met expectations, I’d love the chance to discuss your concerns directly and help you getting a better understanding of the platform.
I believe a quick call would be the best way to address your points and show you how we’re working to improve these areas. It’s also a great opportunity to hear more about your specific needs so we can make Click Analytic a better fit for you.
Feel free to book a demo from our main website: clickanalytic.com
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Best regards,