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Member since: Jan 2023Deals bought: 1
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jan 13, 2023

Really stands out over the competitors

I think the title summarizes my experience. I found this yesterday, and after 30 minutes of exploring Clientary I just wanted to shout out loud: “Finally I found it! The Holy Grail!”.

— The customer portal, this is totally game changer.

— How everything is really connected, and for me, this is the main point. I've tested a lot of applications that are really cluttered trying to solve everything, but user experience ends awful. Clientary's main difference is that you have a tool that is prepared for you, in contrast, some other tools need to be configured, customized, and sometimes you need to be trained, just to work!

— Kudos for the software architect of this amazing tool!

— Clientary is being sold as they say, “Clientary is online invoicing and time tracking software for small businesses.”, nothing describes it better.

— I had a question regarding a needed feature, “Discounts”, and it's not implemented but support team was so quick giving me a smart solution: use negative values for the discounts (I have something to say here, but I'll leave it to the next section)

— Really need that discount feature, and is not just for whim, please think about the psychological impact of seeing a strike-through price. It also communicates clearly your intentions as a business to have a courtesy with your customer.

— Some icons of the application need to be updated, some of them look like extracted from Netscape browser or something like that. I'm referring explicitly to all the preview sections (the ones at the right).

— Settings section need to be refactored, it starts being cluttered.

— I'm not sure if this has some relation with my setup (Linux and High DPI Display), but some texts are simply too tiny. I'm 29 years old, and I can read it, but think about someone older than me or with some visual disability.

— Please make the timer globally available from the whole interface. You have a lot of whitespace in the header, maybe just at the left of the logged-in user.

You test it, you buy it. And I need to say something related to this: I'm from Colombia, and $299 of the Tier 3 is simply a LOT of money here, but I don't regret of buying it, I'm pretty sure my customers will enjoy it as much as I do.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thanks for the review and great suggestions. Some of our iconography definitely needs to be updated. Your feedback on Discounts is much appreciated and we understand that the current negative-value support is not the most intuitive. Please trust that your feedback is in good hands, thanks!
