Q: Why limits on expenses? Why so low?

Your product looks like it's potentially very useful, but it suffers from a severe problem with the limits you're imposing.

If Excel charged you more for the license when you used larger financial numbers in your spreadsheets, would anyone buy it? No. So why are you doing that?—why does the cost go from $49 to $599 when only adding one zero the the monthly cloud bill tracked in Clofio?

iconoclastSep 13, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 14, 2024

A: Hi there,

Thank you for checking out Clofio. We are excited to learn that you found it very useful.

To provide in-depth cloud bill insights to our customers, Clofio closely tracks every line item (i.e. infrastructure components) that costs you money. When the cloud bill goes up, we need to track more number of items behind the scene. Since our platform does all the data crunching at the most granual level, this also increases the amount of data processing and storage at our side, with increasing cloud bill. Hence, we cap the maximum amount of cloud bill you can track in each tier.

Our pricing model focuses on promoting collaboration, hence we provide unlimited user access with all tiers. Additionally, with each tier upgrade, you get access to more numbers of integrations, so you can track all cloud accounts from a single place.

Hope this makes sense. Happy to answer if you have more questions.

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