Closely - Plus exclusive

    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Find e-mail contacts, send connection requests and follow-up with your LinkedIn prospects automatically

    Closely is a cloud-based lead engagement platform for LinkedIn with dedicated residential proxies. Put outreach activities on autopilot so you can focus on what matters the most — closing deals.

    Closely Explorer:
    - Search Leads based on Country, Industry and Job Title
    - View or Export Email contacts with one click
    - Launch LinkedIn campaigns with Closely or export emails into third-party

    Closely Campaigns:
    - Import preferred audience from a CSV file, LinkedIn or Sales Navigator search results pages, events, groups or posts.
    - Launch automated message campaigns (customized connection message and follow-up)
    - Import email contacts to send more connection requests per week with automatic follow-up
    - Use smart inbox to read and reply to messages. Tag conversations with custom badges (Positive, Negative, SQL, Contact Later, etc.)
    - Stack multiple codes to increase performance

    Cut down time spent on repeatable manual tasks and find new ways of building a scalable & profitable sales funnel with just one tool today!


    too long didn't read
    Cloud-based LinkedIn automation with a dedicated proxy (included)
    Send up to 900 automated connection requests and follow-up messages per week
    Organize your sales funnel via unified inbox with conversation tagging
    Reveal email contacts to use with Closely or third-party tools of your choice



    Closely - Plus exclusive
    Closely - Plus exclusive
    Closely - Plus exclusive
    Closely - Plus exclusive

    From the founders

    First post

    Hello, Sumo-lings! This is Alex from Closely.

    Saying that we are excited to bring you this lifetime deal on Closely would be quite an understatement, so here's a little backstory about who we are and where we come from:

    Me and my team have started a web analytics software business circa 2015, processing up to 10 bil. requests per day by collecting digital events for our customers. Like with many products, we had to nail the niche with it and we did it quite well.

    As you may know, a niche is a niche and targeting the right people at the right time is key to building a healthy and active pipeline that ultimately leads to predictable revenue. Over all these years, we've been using dozens of third-party tools, scaling our teams up and down, hitting our highs and lows.

    Linkedin has become our go-to platform for outreach, but the lack of automation and inability to properly scale this channel made us think - should we take our chances and automate everything ourselves? (See where I'm going with this?)

    This is how Closely was born - a cloud-based software that allows sales reps to automatically grow professional connections and send message sequences within the platform. Top features are:

    - Launch targeted campaigns to the audience you've already exported from a third - party tool or simply copy paste Linkedin search URL (Sales navigator search works too!).

    - Customize your sequence messages using variables like name and company name (custom variables are supported too)

    - Monitor your inbox, reply to messages and tag them

    - Adjustable timezone to ensure your messages are sent at the right time

    There are plenty of features we're adding on a regular basis and I am going to share our roadmap pretty soon.

    For those who wish to join our growing sales community - feel free to drop us a request on FB:

    Back soon.

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