Q: Cost Optimization Functionality
Hi there,
For me, cost optimization is the most important feature. More specifically, actionable suggestions/advice that I haven't identified on my own sleuthing through the countless (and overwhelming) options in AWS.
I watched your cost optimization video, and it seem that, as of right now, the majority of this functionality is geared towards scheduling instances to be off when they aren't needed, and utilizing AWS cost savings options like savings plans and reserved instances. Is there additional functionality (specific to costs and savings) that is currently available but not shown in the YT video? If you could also give an idea of how you plan to extend this feature, and when you think those improvements will be released (I could not find a roadmap)?
Oct 15, 2024A: Hi Bradon, I appreciate the question and understand the background.
So, we have EC2 (and equivalents) scheduling in two types A. shut down/switch on the machines and B. upscale/downscale. You can select multiple instances in one go.
Now, over next few weeks, we'll be implementing the suggestions and one-click implementation of the following :
1. Configure AWS lambda functions
2. Shifting RDS to EC2 (and with Cloudshot, you'll get a managed/easy service any way)
3. Moving EC2 to LightSail
4. ELB optimisation (downsizing, unused load balancers etc.)
5. Optimise data transfer cost by analysing the data flow
6. Access analysers (third party services keeps on accessing our accounts to detect the changes and this access is billed by AWS)
7. ...
Needless to say, AWS is in the above is taken as an example. The same applies for Azure, GCP & Co.
Cloudshot is available at the neglible price at the moment. We can't wait you to get started. Feel free to reach out to us at support@cloudshot.io. We'll be uploading several videos you YouTube in the next few days. Don't forget to subscribe. :)