CloudSocial Reviews


2.47 stars
2.47 stars

Taco ratings

Showing 1 - 17 of 17 reviews
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Verified purchaser

Member since: Dec 2020Deals bought: 2
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1 stars
Posted: Dec 18, 2020

Doesn't respond to chats and it's no good

I purchased it yesterday and so far, Im not able to do anything and no one is responding to my chats or messages. I need to refund this.


Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hi mollieqa,

We would like to walk you through the CloudSocial functionalities and setup process, please click the link below to pick a slot as per your convenience to schedule the walk-through.

For further assistance and information you may reach out to


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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Member since: Sep 2020Deals bought: 461
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1 stars
Posted: Nov 28, 2020

Not worth at its current stage.

Jumped into the offer as I saw potential and, all things said, expected AppSumo to only offer platforms & solutions that are READY to be used.
This one isn't and by a far long margin.

Interface is clunky, UX is terrible, hard to find things around, UI has extremely basic problems, editing users is not possible, adding them to roles is ludicrous and an extra bunch of issues that I am not paid as a beta tester to be revealing for free.

Main reason why you should avoid this soluction:
- You can ONLY create user and assign them ONE role.
- You can NOT update users afterwards.
- You can NOT assign different roles to a same user based on a same email.
- You can ONLY assign users in the brands to according to their own roles.
(which makes somehow sense sure - except that since you can't assign different roles... you are screwed).

Just don't.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024


Thanks for your valuable feedback.

I would like to inform you that we are working on the feedback of sumo-lings and most of these will be resolved in due course of time. Our technical team is working on it.

If you have any further queries please reach out to our support team at and we would be glad to assist you.


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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Member since: Mar 2020Deals bought: 18
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1 stars
Posted: Nov 21, 2020

Everything about this platform is a mess

I don't like leaving bad reviews but I could not use this platform as everything is a complete mess... I have been facing issues everytime I wanted to connect accounts or publish something...

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hi thomas.nicoli,

We would like to walk you through the CloudSocial functionalities and setup process, please click the link below to pick a slot as per your convenience to schedule the walk-through.

For further assistance and information you may reach out to


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Verified purchaser

Member since: Jun 2016Deals bought: 47
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1 stars
Posted: Nov 20, 2020

It is just not ready yet for public use

Spending about 2.5 hours with the program and try to add some sense into it, still no luck. Nothing connects to social accounts, no info about the different roles, no good tutorial about how to get started. Sorry guys! Maybe later.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hi Sumo-ling,

We would like to walk you through the CloudSocial functionalities and setup process, please click the link below to pick a slot as per your convenience to schedule the walk-through.

For further assistance and information you may reach out to


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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Member since: Aug 2020Deals bought: 114
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1 stars
Posted: Nov 16, 2020

Read all the reviews before buying

I bought this in haste because I needed a tool like this at that very moment, and I was caught up in my usual AppSumo buying mood (im like a kid in a candy shop here). I see the few five taco reviews at the top, but I have some serious suspicions about them honestly.

The more accurate reviews would be the 1 and 2 taco reviews that is where this software is currently at. It is terrible in the UX department, terms used to label things are confusing, its near impossible to easily add a company or client, the whole experience is terrible. I cannot even get my first stuff added to actually try and use it, the whole thing just makes me mad and I close it out.

Only reason I am not refunding is that it is my only LTD social tool I have at the moment and I am hoping it will come along. That said the development on it seems to be minimal at best, compared to other software where they engage users, make changes constantly update etc. I am actually surprised AppSumo even had it on here given it's state.

If someone from CloudSocial would like to jump on a call and help me set up everything, that would be awesome! Otherwise I essentially gave away $50 bucks I could have used to get another goody off here instead.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hi tpearman,

Please click the link below to pick a slot as per your convenience to schedule a walk-through of CloudSocial. Our support team would assist you in setting it up.

I am sure you will change your opinion after the call.

For further assistance and information you may reach out to


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