Q: I understand that this works only with Gutenberg Blocks, but is there a possibility of support for Bricks Builder?
If Bricks Builder is not natively supported, could you please explore compatibility with Gutenbricks?
Aug 20, 2024A: Hi Jagan, I've just sent a message to the Gutenbricks founder 😊 This could be a faster solution for Brick users.
I'll update the documentation with recommend plugins when I've run the tests.
Bricks Builder would be a huge plus
Good news, I've talked to Ryan from Gutenbricks and tested the plugin.
Conditional Blocks Pro is compatible with Gutenbricks!
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But why do you even need it for Bricks? Bricks has its own conditionals that work great, and their conditions can be extended with third-party addons. Gutenbricks is, of course, a different matter.