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Q: workspaces and customization

Hi, I would like to know if we can have multiple workspaces where we can invite people JUST to a selected workspace? Not asking for white label, but for a way to not give full access...

Second, I would like to be able to add my own custom icons instead of those you have now. TBH, this would be a deciding factor for me.

Your product reminds me of Boei, which I use exclusively. Your offer brings a very specific way to offer visitors at-a-glance options. I like that.

bogdan6Sep 17, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

A: Hi Bogdan,

1) Adding extra users to a single workspace is on the roadmap for early next year, but it's been coming up more often since we launched on AppSumo, so might try to squeeze it in before the end of the year.
2) Yes, you most definitely can add custom icons in SVG, PNG or JPG formats to any app widget you create.
3) Yes, Boei is a very nice product as well. Slightly different approach than us as we're going to focus more on integrating with existing tools that facilitate direct customer communications rather than having our customers login to our dashboard on a regular basis.

For example, Crisp is such a great chat widget, I'd rather offer a seemless handover to them then try to get into a feature race with them. Same with Mailchimp, we can't compete with their newsletter and email marketing capabilities without significant development investment on our end. Hope this helps explain our product strategy a bit better! - Pete

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Posted: Sep 18, 2024

Yes, thank you :)