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Q: Hello, will we be able to view/modify the email that is sent to all parties?

also, I did a test contract and it looks like the email is sent to both parties at the same time even when the first party has not completed the form and/or sign it? is there a way to change that to have the second party email wait until the first party completes and signs the form?

ievcPLUSApr 28, 2024
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi, thanks for the questions:

1. Will we be able to view/modify the email that is sent to all parties? In the future yes. We plan to allow companies to customize the global email that gets sent. For now, the only way to do this would be to hit the "Link" button and paste it into your own email and send it to the other party.

2. The system sends the document to all parties after it is approved and sent by the Sender. So for example, you generate a document, fill in your information and "Send for Signature". At that point, the document is sent to all parties at the same time. If you are the Sender, then you could wait until the Recipient fills out and signs before signing, but there is no way to lock in a specific order. But, just to be clear, the Sender can fill in information before sending it, just not sign it.

Take care


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