
    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Access 50+ AI tools with one browser extension to write, summarize, and paraphrase content

    Extended Access to this deal is exclusively available to AppSumo Plus members for a limited time.

    If you are not an AppSumo Plus member, you can join now and purchase this deal before Extended Access ends.

    Between blogs, emails, and social media, you’re probably writing thousands of words every week. (“I practically invented carpal tunnel.”)

    Engaging content is essential to your business, so the solution isn't to write less—but you can't keep sinking hours into planning, drafting, and editing posts.

    What if you could access powerful AI writing tools anywhere online, to help you write whatever you need?

    Say hello to Copilotly.


    too long didn't read
    Access 50+ AI copilots with the Copilotly browser extension anywhere online—including Gmail, Twitter, and LinkedIn
    Use the chat-based interface to communicate with your AI writing assistant and get personalized suggestions



    Copilotly is a browser extension that gives you access to 50+ AI copilots that help you write, summarize, and paraphrase web content.

    You can use Copilotly’s AI browser extension anywhere online, including social media sites, blogs, and even Google Docs.

    With these AI writing tools, you’ll be able to highlight text from any website to generate content like ebooks and blog posts.

    This is a game-changer for anyone who struggles to keep up with their content calendar, email outreach, and other writing projects.

    Browser extension

    Access the Copilotly AI browser extension anywhere on the web.

    Copilotly lets you choose from over 50 AI copilots, which are each designed to complete specific tasks, so it’s easy to cross things off your list.

    You'll be able to take advantage of 10 different categories of copilots, including Search Copilots, Blogging Copilots, and Ads Copilots.

    That way, you can whip up articles, respond to emails, summarize academic texts, and write social media captions on the fly.


    Choose from over 50 copilots to handle any writing task, like emails, blogs, and ads.

    With Copilotly, you can switch to the chat-based interface to collaborate with your AI assistant in a more intuitive and human-like way.

    You'll be able to give commands, ask questions, and provide feedback to further refine the results and get exactly what you want.

    It’s like having a super dependable AI assistant who’s ready to help you with whatever you need at the drop of a hat!

    Chat interface

    Chat with your AI writing assistant to get personalized suggestions.

    Best of all, Copilotly’s three-step, AI-driven solution can learn and imitate your natural writing style to produce content that sounds exactly like you.

    You’ll be able to add team members to your plan, so everyone can wrap up their deliverables a whole lot faster.

    And because they get their own private workspace, you won’t have to worry about confidential information getting leaked.

    Writing process

    Unleash your creativity with Copilotly's three-step AI-driven writing solution!

    When you're using your own AI assistant, chaotic all-nighters will be a thing of the past. (“Now I just drink Red Bulls for fun.”)

    Copilotly’s browser extension gives you access to more than 50 AI tools that can tackle all the content tasks on your to-do list.

    Streamline your writing process.

    Get lifetime access to Copilotly today!

    From the founders

    First post from Founder

    Hey Sumo-lings! 👋

    We're thrilled to introduce ourselves to the amazing AppSumo community. I'm Deepak, the founder of Copilotly, and together with our passionate team, we've developed an AI-based browser extension that's about to change the way you interact with the internet.

    Copilotly is your personal AI copilot that assists you with tasks like writing, searching, and staying focused while browsing the web. Our goal is to make your online experience seamless and efficient, saving you time and effort so you can focus on what really matters.

    Here's a taste of what Copilotly brings to your browsing experience:

    🔹Highlight text on any website and choose a category and copilot to generate text or perform functions
    🔹Use different copilots for general, emails, blogs, and manipulating text
    🔹Get quick explanations, definitions, and more with our "Meaning of", "Tell me more about", "Explain it like I'm 5", and "Define this acronym" copilots
    🔹Craft perfect emails with our email copilots, including "Write an email about", "Reply to this email", "Rephrase this email", "Write a follow-up email", and more
    🔹Stay focused with AI-generated content that's relevant to your needs

    We believe that Copilotly is more than just a browser extension; it's a catalyst for unleashing your true potential. Our team is continuously working on enhancing Copilotly, and we can't wait to share our ambitious roadmap with you.

    As you embark on this exciting journey with Copilotly, we want you to know that we're here to support you every step of the way. Our team is ready to answer any questions and provide guidance as you explore the limitless possibilities that Copilotly offers.

    So, why wait? Join us in revolutionizing the way you browse the internet with Copilotly. Let's make your online experience smarter, faster, and more enjoyable. 🚀

    Happy browsing!

    Deepak & the Copilotly team

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