
Product details

Q: Hi, Sumo-lings!

My name is Ivan Palii, I'm a product marketing manager in Copywritely.

Our team created Copywritely for website owners, bloggers and writers to make their content perfect for both people and search engines.

We were inspired by SEO specialists who take much more attention to the texts they publish on the websites than usual authors and as a result they get much more organic traffic. If you write awesome texts, but has little knowledge in SEO, you especially need Copywritely to get more readers and customers.

We sure you can get top in Google Search much faster with Copywritely than without it. The content marketing evolves in parallel with evolving of search engines. So, in a new era, you need to make your content perfect for both people and search engines. No matter how good you are writing if nobody reads your text.

I will glad to answer on any questions you have and will be grateful for your detailed reviews.

Ivan-CopywritelyJul 1, 2019
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Posted: Jul 1, 2019

hello hello :)

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Jul 1, 2019

I run an agency where our primary product is white-label SEO services for other agencies. So we create a LOT of content every month (all in Google Docs). Even with trained SEO copywriters doing the work, this tool looks amazing and will massively cut down on time needed for creation and proofing. It's not just for SEO newbies! Buying it now and sending it to my team to start using ASAP. Thanks for bringing the deal here Olman and Ivan!

Posted: Jul 1, 2019

Hi, there!

I'm very glad to hear it. We already have a few ideas how to improve collaboration features. It will help to you managers spend less time on delegating and control of their subordinates or freelancers.

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Verified purchaser

Posted: Feb 16, 2020

I purchased copywritely back in August of 2019. I really like it but the offer is misleading. It says that we are getting 50 article/document checks PER month. I just got a notice that I need to upgrade my plan because I have checked 50 total since August. Is this a mistake? Thanks for clarifying Ivan.