I think the tools is functional, just not efficient in its current design.
There are 2 really big things that would be very helpful for this tool:
1: Be able to deny change and it disappears. I cannot see how to do that and my screen stays cluttered with issues that are not real issues. Lending to this clutter is that the tool is missing many words that should be real works but are calling for misspelled.
2: For the plagiarism part, I cannot see the entire webpage it is referencing or the referenced text, so this requires lots of additional work to find the actual webpage and what the text is. The dialog box should expand and show the entire website as well as the identified text.
I am sure there is more that should be updated, but this tool would be a ton better if these 2 things could be corrected.
Founder Team
May 9, 2024
Hi, there.
Thank you for so helpful feedback.
1. Feature to remove or ignore grammar errors is one of the most popular among sumo-lings and already added to our backlog https://copywritely.dashvine.com. 2. The second feature you suggest I've also just added.
I can see some potential in this tool! has anyone seen the widget builder?? There is some grammar issues I found but I guess this will mature! The offer expires in 3 days! Is there a roadmap??
Best, Mike Mrdzyn Studio
Founder Team
May 9, 2024
Hi, Mike.
Thank you for feedback. Here is our backlog - https://copywritely.dashvine.com/ Recently we added 3 new languages (Italian, Dutch, Polish) and divide English on American English / British English.
I don't know why this tool categorized as a SEO content tool, it just correct grammar spelling, and check plagiarism.
Founder Team
May 9, 2024
Thank you for feedback.
In SEO, Copywritely helps to: - detect keyword stuffing - check your content for a list of keywords - make a SERP keyword research - detect issues with readability
I really wanted this to work... Great price compared to a competitor I was using, a good collection of reviews on appsumo... What could go wrong.
Even for the outstanding price, it is simply not worth it.
- My previous tool worked in a number of websites (google docs in particular). Even when using the chrome addon - This one struggled to work anywhere other than the copywritely website.
- Using the copywritely website, it was slow, cubersome, incorrect and missing simple features.
- It would 'misalign'(?) the fix for spelling mistakes. EG: 'Australa' became 'AuAustraliastrala'.
- It did not seem to understand the concept of EN_AU (or even EN_GB), so correctly spelt words would always be incorrectly changed to their zed equivilent (realised -> realized)
- No option to 'ignore' or 'add' - So every document that it was wrong for, it was consistently show the errors. This made it hard to identify actual errors when updating the document.
- The plan limitations are confusing in copywritely.
It is coming up to 60 days since purchase - I honestly do not see any point in keeping this, given how difficult it is to use. I do hope it is improved upon in future, but it has a long way to go before it is not just a bottomless pit of frustration.
Founder Team
May 9, 2024
Hi, there.
I'm sorry you have not found some features that were expected. Most of them are already added to our backlog here - https://copywritely.dashvine.com/
Can you give more details on why do you think that plans limitations are confusing?
This tool reminds me of PassCamp. It looks super nice, but scratching the surface you realize there's not much there.
I initially looked at the deal and Copywritely looked super, so I stacked x3.
However, it took me until today to actually try it out. After activating my account I immediately had second thoughts and soon after I found myself looking to initiate a refund, but my refund period is over.
I'm an SEO professional and this tool is far from something I'd spend my time on. In respect of the (hopefully) hard efforts to make the tool valuable, I won't sort to highlighting alternatives or competitors.
I acknowledge that other sumo-lings might find value in this tool - it might be a great basic tool and in that context, stacking makes little sense.
I'm a quite surprised by the lack of features, tools and flexibility. I know that the team behind it has probably spent a lot of time building it. It just doesn't feel that way. It's polished and works well, but has a very limited set of features.
I cannot recommend the tool for SEO professionals. if you're working with international SEO, collaborating with others, managing many languages, etc., Copywritely falls short.
It also lack support for other languages (basic density check could work) and there's no versioning. I can't click to add words to the dictionary, to ignore the words or apply corrections. I can't save texts, I can't export reports. I can share a text, but that's not really ideal when dealing with upcoming products.
I'm super disappointed and surprised that this even gets included as a deal.
However, I've learned my lesson. Buying and not trying right away is risky when shopping on AppSumo.
I give it two tacos because it supports major languages and because it's fast and quite polished.
Please add more features!
Founder Team
May 9, 2024
Thank you for so much details in feedback.
We have a roadmap, where the most of features you mentioned are included - https://copywritely.dashvine.com/
Great value for lifetime access. To use all the features of the product requires practice and study and some "errors" are not always errors. But overall using it for SEO and determining uniqueness, it cannot be beat.
PUtting this here hoping someone else will read as I did not realize that we would not have individual accounts, but would have 5 people accessing using the same account. I have never had a tool that allowed 5 users but only 1 account. If I had known, I would have used a different email address. Perhaps a suggestion on the company and higher plan level could help people make a better choice so they will know multiple users will use the same account.
The chat feature on the copywritely.com site is useless...it says they are there, but you wait forever, then they are not.
Had problems on the appsumo.com website finding the deal due to website maintenance problems. But support answered me fairly quickly and encouraged me to try again and it worked.
Founder Team
May 9, 2024
Thank you for feedback.
We will add features for team work. And all of them will be added to AppSumo plans.
I loaded it up and tested it a couple of ways on my podcast post for this week. It did give me some great updates and information on my article that I changed immediately. That is the great news and exactly what I was looking for it to help me do.
The information on content is pretty good but actually going through and figuring it out needs a good bit of help. For example: It listed every time I used an acronym as a possible misspelling but no way for me to say that it is actually correct. I am in healthcare IT doing a podcast about HIPAA so we are loaded with acronyms. It needs a personal dictionary for those things. But, it did catch 2 real misspellings they just got lost in 8 others that were really ok.
When I have an indented section that refers to a theme to a training program with short sentences to be used as catch phrases, it complained about everyone one of them for being too many short sentences in a row. I get it but that is another area where I need to say that those are ok and can be ignored.
Since I was doing copy/paste if I made a change it mentioned and didn't make a matching change on my wordpress post I lost a couple of them. There is no way to undo and go back or see the history of what you cleared up, at least that I found. You have a history but it just takes you back to the project you were working with before.
I used copy/paste because when I gave it he URL it included all the sidebar, footer, etc info and without any way to clear them from the list it was useless. If I could ignore everything that goes around the post then I wouldn't have to take the time to copy/paste.
There is very limited documentation to explain some parts of the program. I have tried the SERP thing a couple of times and really don't follow what I should be doing with it even after reviewing the doc.
As I mentioned, I have to worry about HIPAA security and there is no documentation on security or how the Chrome extension works like where does my data go when using your tool, etc. Without some assurances of security and how the tool works I can't be loading that Chrome extension at all. That is why I don't use grammarly because it watches everything I type and sends to their servers.
There are little bugs like it will never be happy with the last line of the article. I reported the problem so we will see how that is received.
Overall, very promising. I hope they are able to take this where they appear to be heading. It can be a great tool but you have to be willing to work at it right now.
Founder Team
May 9, 2024
An insightful review. Thanks.
Personal dictionary for grammar is already in the backlog - https://copywritely.dashvine.com/
Our extension doesn't read your content. We need access to view which URL is active in your browser tab. After clicking on extension you will redirected to content analysis report inside the tool, where Copywritely extracts text from active URL.
I tried it on some basic essay and the corrections were off. Even when it made a good suggestion, the replacement often got an additional letter with it and I had to delete it. Like many here, I bought this as a Grammarly replacement but it's not going to do that any time soon.
I will keep the product and renew Grammarly for a year, hopefully by then this product has matured enough to be a full replacement. Or if I'm lucky, much sooner.
One last word, keyword density in SEO has been a dead topic for over 10 years. I don't see it as a strong point to check for something like that in SEO.
Founder Team
May 9, 2024
Thank you for feedback.
Keyword density may be dead, but penalties for keyword stuffing are live)
We will keep moving and try to replace Grammarly in your software list.
A good tool for working with text content. There is room to grow, for example, to propose a publication structure based on TOP analysis, indicate the relevance of key queries from the proposed cluster to the article being analyzed, demonstrate which of the recommended keywords are in the text and which ones need to be added, recommendations for LSI keys, the ability to choose a method clustering. Therefore, 4 out of 5 tacos - and I hope for further development.
I purchased this from Appsumo and later I wanted to upgrade to the next level up. I went to the copywritely website and started a chat to ask a simple question and the support was terrible. The person at the other end didn't even know that there was a deal on Appsumo and kept sending me to their main pricing page. I mean maybe provide a better training for your employees so they know what is going on.
Founder Team
May 9, 2024
Hi. I'm apologize for this issue. Does your problem is solved now? If no, please write me on ivan.palii@boosta.co. I will help you.
As a technical writer, I thought this would be an ideal tool to use before I publish my work; having the grammar, syntax, and quality checked beforehand. My main issue is the processing speed to review a single, six-sentence paragraph, about 250 words total. Took a long while! I can't imagine how long a 1000+-word document will take! Not a good first impression, for a 'lifetime' product! I have been a sumo for many years, but I feel this is not a sumo-worthy product, IMHO. Maybe you'll have different experiences?
Founder Team
May 9, 2024
Hi, there.
We process texts up to 15,000 words. It can takes up to 30 seconds, but not longer. Please, send a link of your content check page to our chat.
Bought this yesterday and played around with it for a while. Am currently using the free version of Grammarly. I have a problem with "Readability" as it freezes the app. I sent a support request and 24 hours later have not had a response. Grammarly is expensive but maybe the route to go until Copywritely gets their act together. It seems to be an interesting product but without support, it is a no no!
Founder Team
May 9, 2024
Hi, there.
I'm sorry that you have bad experience. Please, share the details of your problem here. I will help you.
I bought this this morning and so far I'm not sure about it. The grammar check has been cumbersome, sometimes suggesting changes that remove spaces and combining words together to make new errors. I'm not giving up hope yet but so far, it's not nearly as smooth as Grammarly.
I purchased this earlier today. I gave it a try on a 3000-word document and have to say I am happy with the results. I didn't use it for SEO, just to clean up a document and give it a better flow. I can see how the keyword feature would be very helpful for my blog and YouTube content and plan to use that feature later today.
This tool is suitable for improving your grammar and most importantly try to improve your readability. Thus, this can increase your SEO performance, although I see that the grammar is performing good, but not the best like what Grammarly does. Although Grammarly only focuses on these features. But overall performance on grammar and sentence structure was pretty impressive!
I am not satisfied with the 15000 words limitations as sometimes my contents are longer and maybe need 20000 or 30000 words. Although this keywords maximum limitation already increased from 10.000. but I still think it is not enough
Founder Team
May 9, 2024
Thank you for detailed review, Sendy.
At first, we need to improve the ability to process bigger texts. After that we can think on increasing word limits yet.
Why does it not have a keep formatting or erase formatting button? Also, when I take the text from your browser back to my doc it loses all formatting and some words lose spaces. Furthermore, I had a list of cities in my text and they were all wrong. Maybe putting a skip button would be good too.
Founder Team
May 9, 2024
Hi, there!
Thank you for feedback.
Both issues you mentioned (saving formatting and ignoring grammar errors) we will fix soon.
I purchased, used, and tried to give this software the benefit of the doubt. I wanted this software to workout, but I without quit - moving on. Too many issues to explain. Time to move on to another product.
Developer, please bring this product back next year with all the issues fixed.
Founder Team
May 9, 2024
Thank you for feedback.
Please, give more details what you don't like in the tool.
Verified purchaser
Great tool.
Keep up the good work.
This project is going to be a huge successnice!
May 9, 2024Thank you for believing in us :)
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
Needs a lot of work
I think the tools is functional, just not efficient in its current design.
There are 2 really big things that would be very helpful for this tool:
1: Be able to deny change and it disappears. I cannot see how to do that and my screen stays cluttered with issues that are not real issues. Lending to this clutter is that the tool is missing many words that should be real works but are calling for misspelled.
2: For the plagiarism part, I cannot see the entire webpage it is referencing or the referenced text, so this requires lots of additional work to find the actual webpage and what the text is. The dialog box should expand and show the entire website as well as the identified text.
I am sure there is more that should be updated, but this tool would be a ton better if these 2 things could be corrected.
May 9, 2024Hi, there.
Thank you for so helpful feedback.
1. Feature to remove or ignore grammar errors is one of the most popular among sumo-lings and already added to our backlog https://copywritely.dashvine.com.
2. The second feature you suggest I've also just added.
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
rough diamond
I can see some potential in this tool! has anyone seen the widget builder?? There is some grammar issues I found but I guess this will mature! The offer expires in 3 days! Is there a roadmap??
Mrdzyn Studio
May 9, 2024Hi, Mike.
Thank you for feedback. Here is our backlog - https://copywritely.dashvine.com/
Recently we added 3 new languages (Italian, Dutch, Polish) and divide English on American English / British English.
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
GSC rechecks
When checking for words in text from GSC it does not rechecks instantly, I have use up one of my 50 monthly checks. That is a massive disadvantage.
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
SEO content tool!
I don't know why this tool categorized as a SEO content tool, it just correct grammar spelling, and check plagiarism.
May 9, 2024Thank you for feedback.
In SEO, Copywritely helps to:
- detect keyword stuffing
- check your content for a list of keywords
- make a SERP keyword research
- detect issues with readability
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
Not really useable in it's current state
I really wanted this to work... Great price compared to a competitor I was using, a good collection of reviews on appsumo... What could go wrong.
Even for the outstanding price, it is simply not worth it.
- My previous tool worked in a number of websites (google docs in particular). Even when using the chrome addon - This one struggled to work anywhere other than the copywritely website.
- Using the copywritely website, it was slow, cubersome, incorrect and missing simple features.
- It would 'misalign'(?) the fix for spelling mistakes. EG: 'Australa' became 'AuAustraliastrala'.
- It did not seem to understand the concept of EN_AU (or even EN_GB), so correctly spelt words would always be incorrectly changed to their zed equivilent (realised -> realized)
- No option to 'ignore' or 'add' - So every document that it was wrong for, it was consistently show the errors. This made it hard to identify actual errors when updating the document.
- The plan limitations are confusing in copywritely.
It is coming up to 60 days since purchase - I honestly do not see any point in keeping this, given how difficult it is to use. I do hope it is improved upon in future, but it has a long way to go before it is not just a bottomless pit of frustration.
May 9, 2024Hi, there.
I'm sorry you have not found some features that were expected. Most of them are already added to our backlog here - https://copywritely.dashvine.com/
Can you give more details on why do you think that plans limitations are confusing?
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
A disappointing tool
This tool reminds me of PassCamp. It looks super nice, but scratching the surface you realize there's not much there.
I initially looked at the deal and Copywritely looked super, so I stacked x3.
However, it took me until today to actually try it out. After activating my account I immediately had second thoughts and soon after I found myself looking to initiate a refund, but my refund period is over.
I'm an SEO professional and this tool is far from something I'd spend my time on. In respect of the (hopefully) hard efforts to make the tool valuable, I won't sort to highlighting alternatives or competitors.
I acknowledge that other sumo-lings might find value in this tool - it might be a great basic tool and in that context, stacking makes little sense.
I'm a quite surprised by the lack of features, tools and flexibility. I know that the team behind it has probably spent a lot of time building it. It just doesn't feel that way. It's polished and works well, but has a very limited set of features.
I cannot recommend the tool for SEO professionals. if you're working with international SEO, collaborating with others, managing many languages, etc., Copywritely falls short.
It also lack support for other languages (basic density check could work) and there's no versioning. I can't click to add words to the dictionary, to ignore the words or apply corrections. I can't save texts, I can't export reports. I can share a text, but that's not really ideal when dealing with upcoming products.
I'm super disappointed and surprised that this even gets included as a deal.
However, I've learned my lesson. Buying and not trying right away is risky when shopping on AppSumo.
I give it two tacos because it supports major languages and because it's fast and quite polished.
Please add more features!
May 9, 2024Thank you for so much details in feedback.
We have a roadmap, where the most of features you mentioned are included - https://copywritely.dashvine.com/
Step by step they will be added.
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
Great value a little tricky to activate and use
Great value for lifetime access. To use all the features of the product requires practice and study and some "errors" are not always errors. But overall using it for SEO and determining uniqueness, it cannot be beat.
PUtting this here hoping someone else will read as I did not realize that we would not have individual accounts, but would have 5 people accessing using the same account. I have never had a tool that allowed 5 users but only 1 account. If I had known, I would have used a different email address. Perhaps a suggestion on the company and higher plan level could help people make a better choice so they will know multiple users will use the same account.
The chat feature on the copywritely.com site is useless...it says they are there, but you wait forever, then they are not.
Had problems on the appsumo.com website finding the deal due to website maintenance problems. But support answered me fairly quickly and encouraged me to try again and it worked.
May 9, 2024Thank you for feedback.
We will add features for team work. And all of them will be added to AppSumo plans.
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
Room for improvement but a good start
I loaded it up and tested it a couple of ways on my podcast post for this week. It did give me some great updates and information on my article that I changed immediately. That is the great news and exactly what I was looking for it to help me do.
The information on content is pretty good but actually going through and figuring it out needs a good bit of help. For example:
It listed every time I used an acronym as a possible misspelling but no way for me to say that it is actually correct. I am in healthcare IT doing a podcast about HIPAA so we are loaded with acronyms. It needs a personal dictionary for those things. But, it did catch 2 real misspellings they just got lost in 8 others that were really ok.
When I have an indented section that refers to a theme to a training program with short sentences to be used as catch phrases, it complained about everyone one of them for being too many short sentences in a row. I get it but that is another area where I need to say that those are ok and can be ignored.
Since I was doing copy/paste if I made a change it mentioned and didn't make a matching change on my wordpress post I lost a couple of them. There is no way to undo and go back or see the history of what you cleared up, at least that I found. You have a history but it just takes you back to the project you were working with before.
I used copy/paste because when I gave it he URL it included all the sidebar, footer, etc info and without any way to clear them from the list it was useless. If I could ignore everything that goes around the post then I wouldn't have to take the time to copy/paste.
There is very limited documentation to explain some parts of the program. I have tried the SERP thing a couple of times and really don't follow what I should be doing with it even after reviewing the doc.
As I mentioned, I have to worry about HIPAA security and there is no documentation on security or how the Chrome extension works like where does my data go when using your tool, etc. Without some assurances of security and how the tool works I can't be loading that Chrome extension at all. That is why I don't use grammarly because it watches everything I type and sends to their servers.
There are little bugs like it will never be happy with the last line of the article. I reported the problem so we will see how that is received.
Overall, very promising. I hope they are able to take this where they appear to be heading. It can be a great tool but you have to be willing to work at it right now.
May 9, 2024An insightful review. Thanks.
Personal dictionary for grammar is already in the backlog - https://copywritely.dashvine.com/
Our extension doesn't read your content. We need access to view which URL is active in your browser tab. After clicking on extension you will redirected to content analysis report inside the tool, where Copywritely extracts text from active URL.
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
Not there yet
I tried it on some basic essay and the corrections were off. Even when it made a good suggestion, the replacement often got an additional letter with it and I had to delete it. Like many here, I bought this as a Grammarly replacement but it's not going to do that any time soon.
I will keep the product and renew Grammarly for a year, hopefully by then this product has matured enough to be a full replacement. Or if I'm lucky, much sooner.
One last word, keyword density in SEO has been a dead topic for over 10 years. I don't see it as a strong point to check for something like that in SEO.
May 9, 2024Thank you for feedback.
Keyword density may be dead, but penalties for keyword stuffing are live)
We will keep moving and try to replace Grammarly in your software list.
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
A good tool for working with text content. There is room to grow, for example, to propose a publication structure based on TOP analysis, indicate the relevance of key queries from the proposed cluster to the article being analyzed, demonstrate which of the recommended keywords are in the text and which ones need to be added, recommendations for LSI keys, the ability to choose a method clustering.
Therefore, 4 out of 5 tacos - and I hope for further development.
May 9, 2024Thank you for trust.
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
Really bad support
I purchased this from Appsumo and later I wanted to upgrade to the next level up. I went to the copywritely website and started a chat to ask a simple question and the support was terrible. The person at the other end didn't even know that there was a deal on Appsumo and kept sending me to their main pricing page. I mean maybe provide a better training for your employees so they know what is going on.
May 9, 2024Hi. I'm apologize for this issue. Does your problem is solved now? If no, please write me on ivan.palii@boosta.co. I will help you.
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
So far...Ummmm....
As a technical writer, I thought this would be an ideal tool to use before I publish my work; having the grammar, syntax, and quality checked beforehand. My main issue is the processing speed to review a single, six-sentence paragraph, about 250 words total. Took a long while! I can't imagine how long a 1000+-word document will take! Not a good first impression, for a 'lifetime' product! I have been a sumo for many years, but I feel this is not a sumo-worthy product, IMHO. Maybe you'll have different experiences?
May 9, 2024Hi, there.
We process texts up to 15,000 words. It can takes up to 30 seconds, but not longer. Please, send a link of your content check page to our chat.
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
Bought this yesterday and played around with it for a while. Am currently using the free version of Grammarly. I have a problem with "Readability" as it freezes the app. I sent a support request and 24 hours later have not had a response. Grammarly is expensive but maybe the route to go until Copywritely gets their act together. It seems to be an interesting product but without support, it is a no no!
May 9, 2024Hi, there.
I'm sorry that you have bad experience. Please, share the details of your problem here. I will help you.
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
I bought this this morning and so far I'm not sure about it. The grammar check has been cumbersome, sometimes suggesting changes that remove spaces and combining words together to make new errors. I'm not giving up hope yet but so far, it's not nearly as smooth as Grammarly.
May 9, 2024Thank you for feedback.
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
So far, so good
There are certain grammar issues that the app don't get but generally speaking, provides great value for low money
May 9, 2024Thank you. We are working on grammar issues.
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
Great App
I purchased this earlier today. I gave it a try on a 3000-word document and have to say I am happy with the results. I didn't use it for SEO, just to clean up a document and give it a better flow. I can see how the keyword feature would be very helpful for my blog and YouTube content and plan to use that feature later today.
May 9, 2024Thank you!
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
Grammarly Alternatives + SEO Tools
This tool is suitable for improving your grammar and most importantly try to improve your readability. Thus, this can increase your SEO performance, although I see that the grammar is performing good, but not the best like what Grammarly does. Although Grammarly only focuses on these features. But overall performance on grammar and sentence structure was pretty impressive!
I am not satisfied with the 15000 words limitations as sometimes my contents are longer and maybe need 20000 or 30000 words. Although this keywords maximum limitation already increased from 10.000. but I still think it is not enough
May 9, 2024Thank you for detailed review, Sendy.
At first, we need to improve the ability to process bigger texts. After that we can think on increasing word limits yet.
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
Great start but it needs some work
Why does it not have a keep formatting or erase formatting button? Also, when I take the text from your browser back to my doc it loses all formatting and some words lose spaces. Furthermore, I had a list of cities in my text and they were all wrong. Maybe putting a skip button would be good too.
May 9, 2024Hi, there!
Thank you for feedback.
Both issues you mentioned (saving formatting and ignoring grammar errors) we will fix soon.
Share Copywritely
Verified purchaser
I purchased, used, and tried to give this software the benefit of the doubt. I wanted this software to workout, but I without quit - moving on. Too many issues to explain. Time to move on to another product.
Developer, please bring this product back next year with all the issues fixed.
May 9, 2024Thank you for feedback.
Please, give more details what you don't like in the tool.
Share Copywritely