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Member since: Mar 2017Deals bought: 30
1 stars
1 stars
Posted: Oct 12, 2019

Not really useable in it's current state

I really wanted this to work... Great price compared to a competitor I was using, a good collection of reviews on appsumo... What could go wrong.

Even for the outstanding price, it is simply not worth it.

- My previous tool worked in a number of websites (google docs in particular). Even when using the chrome addon - This one struggled to work anywhere other than the copywritely website.

- Using the copywritely website, it was slow, cubersome, incorrect and missing simple features.

- It would 'misalign'(?) the fix for spelling mistakes. EG: 'Australa' became 'AuAustraliastrala'.

- It did not seem to understand the concept of EN_AU (or even EN_GB), so correctly spelt words would always be incorrectly changed to their zed equivilent (realised -> realized)

- No option to 'ignore' or 'add' - So every document that it was wrong for, it was consistently show the errors. This made it hard to identify actual errors when updating the document.

- The plan limitations are confusing in copywritely.

It is coming up to 60 days since purchase - I honestly do not see any point in keeping this, given how difficult it is to use. I do hope it is improved upon in future, but it has a long way to go before it is not just a bottomless pit of frustration.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hi, there.

I'm sorry you have not found some features that were expected. Most of them are already added to our backlog here -

Can you give more details on why do you think that plans limitations are confusing?
