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Member since: Oct 2014Deals bought: 359
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3 stars
Posted: Sep 4, 2019

Not there yet

I tried it on some basic essay and the corrections were off. Even when it made a good suggestion, the replacement often got an additional letter with it and I had to delete it. Like many here, I bought this as a Grammarly replacement but it's not going to do that any time soon.

I will keep the product and renew Grammarly for a year, hopefully by then this product has matured enough to be a full replacement. Or if I'm lucky, much sooner.

One last word, keyword density in SEO has been a dead topic for over 10 years. I don't see it as a strong point to check for something like that in SEO.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thank you for feedback.

Keyword density may be dead, but penalties for keyword stuffing are live)

We will keep moving and try to replace Grammarly in your software list.
