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Member since: Jul 2011Deals bought: 181
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Aug 21, 2019

So far...Ummmm....

As a technical writer, I thought this would be an ideal tool to use before I publish my work; having the grammar, syntax, and quality checked beforehand. My main issue is the processing speed to review a single, six-sentence paragraph, about 250 words total. Took a long while! I can't imagine how long a 1000+-word document will take! Not a good first impression, for a 'lifetime' product! I have been a sumo for many years, but I feel this is not a sumo-worthy product, IMHO. Maybe you'll have different experiences?

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hi, there.

We process texts up to 15,000 words. It can takes up to 30 seconds, but not longer. Please, send a link of your content check page to our chat.

