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Member since: Feb 2016Deals bought: 469
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: May 26, 2022

Nice Concept, use way to much resources

The idea behind the tool is a good one, the design is clean and it offers a lot of options. The main problem is, the tool uses a LOT, and I mean, A LOOOT of resources to work.

I already talked with support about this, still waiting for a fix. I would get it and wait until the refund period, to see if they fix the memory issue. If they fix it, it will be a good investment.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thanks for the feedback! After initial indexing, memory usage is minimal.

During initial indexing there will be some time where the app needs a lot of memory (especially if you have a lot of data). Unfortunately here's no other way to index cloud and local sources without sending your data to the cloud.

We've been doing a lot of work to reduce memory usage during in initial indexing. 🚀 In addition, we're working on a feature to let you schedule when indexing happens - to make it easier to run overnight.

Hope we can get it to a point where it works for you in the future!
