Q: I received an email today from the center of the development.
They said they would refund purchases made after January 2024, but I made my purchase on December 3, 2023.Under AppSumo's terms and conditions, they will refund within 60 days of purchase, but in my case it has been over 60 days, so I am not eligible for a refund.
But it's only been 3 months since I purchased it.
If they are going to end development so soon, they should not have sold the product on AppSumo.
This will affect the credibility of AppSumo.
Please respond with a refund.

If you have tier3 I can bought it from you

Verified purchaser
What does it mean?
This product is not a tier system and only one plan is sold.

Yes. I just see you talk about refund, that's why I ask if you can sell it?

Verified purchaser
If that is possible, I would ask, but the act of selling licenses to others is forbidden by AppSumo, right?