Michael Johansen (Denmark)
The purpose of this review is to add some comments, which have not been touched much upon in the other reviews.
It is simply incredible what Louis and team have managed to build and the development that they have managed to maintain over the last year.
I have followed the plugin from quite early on, but only recently bought my first ordinary license (November 2022). One reason for this situation was that the videos/presentation of the plugin were “different” visually than most videos I see on WP Plugins (background, presentation style (a bit formalistic) etc.
To be honest I didn’t really like the initial presentation style – but like many other things with the plugin, I can see that Louis and his team are gradually adapting their product and making it better every day.
And I have gained a strong feeling that Louis truly wants to use his obviously great programming talent to improve the world by giving us NoCoders a tool that enables us to implement so much of what you could otherwise only implement with the (expensive) help of a developer.
So, for many startups this is a truly great and astonishing plugin that I highly recommend.
The issue with the previous page builders like Elementor (that I have used to build my company’s homepage) is very much speed issues – which affect both the front and back end. I am currently using the following 5 Gutenberg themes/plugins – comments on each in comparison:
1. Blocksy /Stackable - a great combination – and probably easier to start out in than Cwicly. You can use dynamic data with Stackable, but it lacks such things as “Interactions”, which have been a part of Cwicly from very early on (has just come to Bricks Builder).
2. Astra Theme/Spectra - one of the easiest combinations to use. But the Spectra plugin is still not available in a Pro version – where e.g., dynamic data should be included.
3. Generate Press / Generate Blocks - feels like a good solution, and I know that they are quite popular. However, I don’t believe that they have a popup and interactions functionality yet. Therefore, Cwicly is better for my needs.
4. Cwicly Theme / Cwicly Plugin - Cwicly Plugin also works with other themes – but I see no reason to use other themes, as the Plugin gives you so much power. Very fast and responsive both on the front and back end. Great user interface. Higher learning curve than 1-3 due to added functionality and constant improvements.
5. Bricks Builder (installed as a theme). Also a great WordPress page builder, which is fast, and I really like the UI and the development speed. I also have bought a lifetime subscription with them when it was available for § 149 a while ago.
So, I will be using Cwicly (bought 3 codes) and Bricks for my projects going forward. But Cwicly has the advantage that it respects the Gutenberg page builder and only adds to it (does not replicate Gutenberg functionality), so it should be better for speed and interactions with other plugins.
Thank you Louis.