Can be helpful, but...
The checklist is a little bit too technical for beginner. And advance practitioners already have their own checklist like this.
It certainly can be helpful for "casual" advertisers, like me. Who regularly advertise on Facebook, but don't use all the features of FB Ads (like URL parameters, Offline conversion, etc).
It's free. So if you learn just one thing from the checklist, it's already a win! :)
May 9, 2024Thanks for sharing a balanced review! What I will say is that I've worked with many advanced advertisers/large agencies, and you'd be surprised how few have a real process or checklist that they use for each campaign. Many of them make it up as they go along and perform poorly as a result.
This free resource is something that everyone can use over and over again to make sure they aren't overlooking any details of their ad campaigns. This can represent significant savings over time.