Q: Hi Guys, will ai slide generation be included in this ltd?
104901259555026701174Feb 18, 2023
Founder Team
May 14, 2024A: Hey there, thank you for asking this.
Everyone who registers will get 100 welcome credits. Special to Decktopus Business LTD, you’ll get 1000 AI credits.
I hope you'll love it!
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Posted: Feb 21, 2023
What does that mean? Does that renew monthly? How many credits will be needed to create 1 presentation?
Posted: Feb 24, 2023
I have seen that 30 credits are required to create a single presentation, but I do not see the possibility of purchasing additional AI credits if they are run out.
It would be helpful to create a specific purchase plan for those who have believed in the project from the beginning and allow them to purchase additional blocks of 1000 or more at a competitive price.