Q: I have extensively used Decktopus and love it.
Can't leave a review, but there are some major limitations Sumolings should be aware of.
PPT and PDF slide deck only formats and exports as screen (image captures) this means that the text in the edited documents is not editable in pdf or powerpoint software (a major limitation) as these are the most often used business software. This necessitates OCR software to interpret the images and extract the text, an unecessary and cumbersome step.
Question - When will we be able to download editable presentations that can be easily modified in common business software?
I still love the software, but this major limitation has been since inception and still exists with no clarity on resolution. New features are being developed to monetize additional services. As much as I love the software I think the editable document export limitation cripples my desire to recommend the product to my colleagues until this is resolved.