Q: Hi Sachin, I am using agency at the moment and pay them couple of hundred dollar a month.
How this course is going to help me. Can I able to do all my own?
Also, there are cources available on Udemy for $10. How this is more valuable than those courses?

May 15, 2024A: Hello,
Thanks for the question. I apologize for the delayed response.
Can I know what services are you paying for currently?
I have covered most of the commonly used digital marketing techniques in this course with practical implementation. You will surely benefit from these. If you follow the steps mentioned in the course, you would be able to implement the techniques easily.
Regarding Udemy, I would prefer not to comment on the competition courses. Each course comes with its own value. As far as my course is concerned, I bring together my 8+ years of practical experience into a very comprehensive course I could come up with. You can go through the Table of contents to understand the depth with which I bring this course to the learners. And I surely hope that this course is helpful to leaners to overcome their digital marketing challenges.
Best Wishes