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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Apr 2020Deals bought: 445Posted: Jan 27, 2023

Great product

I saw many negative reviews regarding spanish. I think it's not fair, not only to this guys but also for sumolings, cause the tacos are being unfair for this software.

Im pretty sure they'll solve the English translation soon (if not resolved yet, cause I didn't find any spanish)

About the software itself:

Its a great SEO software that's starting. It's not Semrush and probably it won't be soon. But there's a HUGE price difference between them. I think limits are great and I suggest you guys grab a seat while you can. This is going to keep growing.

Behind this software are some of the greatest SEO specialists in Spain and the biggest SEO blog in spanish. So they won't let this die and will keep pushing it hard.

It's early stage, BUT already ready to be really useful.

Tier 3 for me and I only have one web, but I don't wanna miss the future of this software.

Founder Team


Feb 2, 2023

Thank you so much! :D
