Docsify Pro (1 code) or Growth (2 codes)

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Member since: Jul 2016Deals bought: 236
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5 stars
Posted: May 7, 2018

The Docsify team is moving fast!

Let me start saying that I have been with Docsify since February and these guys are moving fast.

There have been hiccups along the way (e.g. problem with attachments, and email deliverability) but now have been solved. How?

1) Custom domain for tracking opens and links: this means that emails are sent from your Gmail/Gsuite account and not from Docsify servers like in the past. This is (if I'm correct) available in both plans.

2) Custom domain for documents: this is available on the Growth plan only, and allows you to have your customised URL for documents attached to your emails.

I'm confident that many more exciting features are coming in the next future, and that this platform will become more and more stable as the team behind it is learning fast and listening to the feedbcak of users.

Cheers :)
