DreamShorts AI Video Creator

Product details

Q: Hi I have 2 questions: 1.

You talk of developing a desktop app - will this be included in the ApppSumo deal? 2. The captions on the video examples are too small - is there any flexibility with this. This looks like a great product, well done - looking forward to trying it.

alison757May 18, 2024
Founder Team


May 20, 2024

A: Hello Alison757.

Thank you for using Dreamshorts and for your comment. We're developing a web application that you'll be able to run in any browser. All the web app features will be included in the Appsumo lifetime deal. In the web app, you'll be able to change the subtitle's size, style as well as font. At the moment, the Whatsapp and Telegram bots provide a default size, style and font depending on the orientation and aspect ratio of the videos generated.

Please continue to use Dreamshorts, giving us your feedback and requesting more features

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